I can`t believe it`s been over a month since I last posted. I`m feeling a bit sorry for myself at the moment - I`ve got achilles tendonitis which has also give me back pain because of the way I`m walking or should I say waddling!!!
I am continuing to make my cards for the craft fair, but not as quick as I`d like to.
Here`s some to share with you.
I have had these stickers for years. I bought a kit from C&C and didn`t know what to do with them. So they sat in the bottom of the drawer. I have decided to clear out my stash but rather than throw or give it away - Use it up!! Or upcycle I think the new word is.
Hope you like the cards
Thanks for dropping by
Alison xx
Lovely cards al, onwards and upwards I think is the expression!! Hope you are feeling better xx